Since its birth in the early twentieth century, career counselling has been steeped in the traditions where counsellors assumed the role of experts, and the client as a passive responder. To keep up with the changes in the world, career counsellors have been challenged to modernize their practice. Many have now turned to constructivist approaches where individuals are experts in their own lives and in constructing their careers.
Navn: Career counselling – constructivist approaches
Utgivelse: 2006
Forfattere: Mary McMahon and Wendy Patton
Tema: #Faglitteratur #karriereveileder #karrierelæringforvoksne #forveiledere
Om boken:
This book explores this constructivist approach to career counselling and
- provides a theoretical background to constructivism
- outlines a range of constructivist approaches to career counselling
- provides examples of the practical application of the constructivist approaches presented
- will assist career counsellor educators, practitioners and students in understanding and implementing constructivist approaches
The book is structured into four logical sections, the shorter Parts I and II focus on theoretical understandings of constructivism and career counselling and examine its application across cultures. Part III presents a range of constructivist and highly practical approaches to career counselling. Part IV discusses constructive career assessment.